Platform for virtual and hybrid events

The LIVEbit virtual and hybrid event platform is a modular and comprehensive event management system for planning your event, hosting it and enabling its expansion.


Successful events with LIVEbit

The LIVEbit virtual & hybrid events platform assists and eases the management of all types of events. Developed by Meetbit, TC Group’s in-house SOFTWARE HOUSE that has been designing and developing IT solutions applied to the Meetings Industry for over 17 years, it stems from an in-depth knowledge of the events’ logistics and therefore supports and foresees all their needs:

  • Ensures access to content from any device
  • Requires no installation as it is web based
  • Always up-to-date as it is a proprietary operating system
  • 100% customisable

  • Increases engagement and interaction
  • Becomes an important hub for sponsors

  • Allows you to manage access

  • Generates post-event reports

  • Enabled to issue CME credits

  • Becomes a repository for future editions

I. suitable for any FORMAT

Event management software


With LIVEbit, the evento in presenza becomes an unforgettable experience. Flawless in its organisation, full of activities and interactions for its participants and instrumental for sponsors thanks to the many online and offline meeting areas.

All managed by a single platform that is always up-to-date, with a customised interface and very easy because it is designed for every type of user.

Event management software


The LIVEbit platform for hybrid and virtual events extends the reach of any event, combining the features of an in-person event with those of an online event.

Hi-res streaming and interactive applications guarantee a unique experience for those present and interactive for those who attend online.

Event management


With LIVEbit, online is offline for an unbounded evento virtuale. The platform reduces distances and eases access for participants and speakers.

It is cross-media thanks to its on-demand features, cost-effective because it cuts costs, 100% interactive and extremely creative with its customised graphics, even in 3D.

II. Supports ANY TYPE of event

Piattaforma eventi virtuali o ibrido, per gestire i contenuti live o pre-registrati dell'evento.


  • FAD


Your event becomes even more interactive

A host of features that make your event interactive and engaging.

Software that make your event interactive
  • Platform for virtual and hybrid events | LIVEbit
  • Projection Management System | SLIDEbit

  • Remote upload platform | SENDbit

  • Native iOS & Android APP | APPevent tool

  • Software for viewing pdf, audio and video contributions | Eposter

  • E-learning platform | EDUbit

  • Access Control Suite | CHECKbit
  • Remote speaker test platform | MEETthespeaker


MODULAR and INNOVATIVE, capable of supporting all stages of an event


In the pre-event stage, the LIVEbit virtual & hybrid events platform supports you in sponsoring, promoting and announcing the event through the services of:

  • Briefing with dedicated project manager

  • Customisation of web platform
  • App creation
  • Online registration
  • Gathering of speaker and sponsor materials
  • Creation of dedicated sponsor area


During the event, the event platform becomes the management centre for on-site and online technologies, providing:

  • Live streaming

  • Content sharing
  • Real-time notifications
  • Access control
  • Live chat

  • Gamification | Q&A | Polling


In the post-event stage, the LIVEbit virtual and hybrid event platform transforms itself into a historical and analytical memory of the event with:

  • On-demand content
  • Full analytical reporting
  • Issuing certificates

  • Recognition of CME credits




LIVEbit event management platform for virtual and hybrid events


With the LIVEbit virtual & hybrid event platform, an event’s potential is enhanced. It increases its capabilities thanks to the other modules and adapts to any need before, during and after the event. LIVEbit can be combined with various tools from the software suite Meetbit:

  • APPevent tool
    One of the first tools developed to ensure information access and interaction during an event. Today it continues to be updated with innovative functions.

  • e-Poster module
    The software for searching and displaying Poster presentations and scientific papers at conferences and corporate events. A powerful and cross-system search and navigation engine, from collection to search, visualisation and sharing.

  • EDUbit e-learning platform
    Incorporates, for hybrid and residential training events, the access control facility according to the certification required for certain types of training events, such as certificates and CME credits

LIVEbit event management platform for virtual and hybrid events


To ease fundraising activities, the platform incorporates several ways of offering Sponsor visibility. Ways of implementing and taking part can vary according to each project such as:

  • Welcome intro video before or after the registration form
  • Virtual bags mirroring the conference kit
  • Customised stands
  • Virtual hospitality suites with the option of meeting and live commentary on ongoing activities via chat and social walls
  • Symposia and sponsored sessions
  • Exclusive event showcases


For the creation of content with a high visual impact, TC Group, provides a permanent television studio at its headquarters in Florence, which makes it possible to integrate objects and subjects present in the studio into a completely virtual environment with a high visual impact.

TC Lab is the multimedia recording and broadcast studio equipped with Green Screen and 100MB ‘true’ fibre optic connection to guarantee maximum connectivity.

Virtual production, with the Green Screen, boosts the live and post-produced events’ value with striking yet simple solutions. Showcase pre-recorded content of any kind: for training courses, product launches and streaming broadcasts with incredible virtual studios created with the latest technology solutions in the UNREAL ENGINE 5 environment.

In addition, you will have an Art Director on hand, virtual sets of your choice and a 4k filming service with state-of-the-art equipment.

Customer support event management platform for hybrid & virtual events LIVEbit


Before, during and after the event – in addition to the Sales Manager – a Digital Specialist will support the customer for every request.

Ask for a free consultation

Our expert staff is here to help you find the most effective solution for your hybrid, in person or virtual event.