Certifications play a key role for us: they represent formal recognition of the quality and reliability of the services we offer. They enable us to ensure high standards of safety, management and sustainability, thereby increasing the trust of clients and business partners.


UNI EN ISO 9001:2015

UNI EN ISO 14001:2015
UNI EN ISO 45001:2018

ISO 20121:2012

ISO 37001

UNI PdR 125:2022

TC Group and its companies fully adhere to the policy of limiting environmental impact. This happens starting from the company’s internal routines where the use of paper is reduced to a minimum, as well as the use of eco-friendly products and their proper disposal, up to the regular maintenance of mobile vehicles so that exhausts and energy supplies are always in full efficiency.

Tecnoconference since 2021 has joined the project Treedom, making an estimate of the environmental impact of its activities within the single contract in terms of kg of CO2 produced. This amount is converted – according to the Treedom Standard – in a number of trees that Tecnoconference will plant through the Treedom project.
TC Group is also committed through the “Statement of Intent & Values“, to ensure that curated and technologically supported events have from social, economic, environmental and occupational health and safety perspectives an increasingly positive impact.
TC Group believes in gender equality as an essential element in promoting a fair and inclusive work environment. Ensuring equal opportunities for all, regardless of gender, not only promotes social justice but also improves business performance through diversity of perspectives and skills.
Therefore, it aims to ensure gender equality in relation to the presence and professional growth of women in the organization. Download the official document here.